Monday, December 30, 2019
Team Diversity Paper - 1093 Words
Introduction People and their differences compose the basis of an organization s aptitude to develop broad viewpoints and to approach business tribulations in new and innovative ways. Each team member will bring to the project a unique set of skills and expertise. The dynamics and effectiveness of the team will be impacted by various factors. Some of these factors are but are not limited to, value and attitude differences, occupation, demographics, and differences in skills and abilities. Understanding the qualitative nature of a team’s response to these factors, will shed some light on how complex teams operating in a complex business environment actually function, and can lead to the outright success or failure of a team’s effort.†¦show more content†¦It will allow us to pull on each other’s experience in areas where we may not have any knowledge. Although management styles differ from job to job and person to person, the management experience on this team is capable of handling any task set before it. Demographics The demographics for our team will enhance and create some problems with the effectiveness of our team. On a positive note, everyone in the team is in the same time zone, which will make deadlines and communications occur without complications due to different time zones. Although Rob and Fabian are geographically separate from Mark and James, this difference will not make a large impact on the groups’ performance in an online environment. We also have similar occupations, with enough differences and experience levels to gain different perspectives and ideas. In general, we all have a similar educational background with everyone having a high school degree, and each of us pursuing a degree in business management at the University of Phoenix Online Business Management Program. Some demographic factors that may become obstacles to the teams’ effectiveness are age differences, marital status, and children. Our ages range from 25 to 43, which can negatively affect our effectiveness due to varying experience level, outlook on life, and the goals for obtaining a college degree. Although it can also be a positive contribution, since itShow MoreRelatedHigh Performance Team Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how a team/group can become a high-performance team/group, examine the demographic characteristics and culture diversity and the impact on the team/group behavior. I will also describe how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute to or detract from high-performance groups or teams. What is a team/group? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Effect Of Education On Education - 798 Words
Introduction There are so many headlines that cover the impact of our economy through education. It appears as if education will pay for itself and boost our overall economy in the process. The education system has been broken for decades and although technology is on the rise, which means some of our population is still achieving at a high academic rate. Many would say that we are failing our children from lack of parental involvement in schools. There are arguments stating that these schools are too dangerous for anybody in the right mind to volunteer inside, and we are losing business, teachers, social clubs and everything else that benefitted those that came before us. If these articles are correct, there is a correlation between schools, local businesses, and construction. Basic in a nutshell, we must educate our youth and offer them ways to attend higher education even beyond high school. In the paper I will discuss the affect economy has on education, the key to building a strong economy, and why it’s not just a matter of money. â€Å"The affect economy has on education†(Alleyne, 2015) A sluggish economy has a domino effect followed by ripples, which extends to every aspect of American life to include secondary and higher education. When states lose income, they make cuts to government spending and programs. Often the first cuts are in education. Which results in lower teacher salaries and reduced hiring and retention. A loss of funding for various educational programsShow MoreRelatedEducation And Its Effect On Education Essay1586 Words  | 7 PagesEducation has lasted throughout numerous situations and periods of time. It has undergone times of prejudice and racism, where only certain people had access to education. It has survived in times of neglect, when governmental budgets seemed to delegate money everywhere else but education. In general, education has survived many different situations and has come out vastly improved and better overall. Many things have contributed to the betterment of education. Education has adapted to include moreRead MoreEffect Of Education On Education777 Words  | 4 Pages Introduction There are so many headlines that cover the impact of our economy through education. It appears as if education will pay for itself and boost our overall economy in the process. The educational system has been broken for decades and although technology is on the rise, which means some of our population is still achieving at a high academic rate. Many would say that we are failing our children from lack of parental involvement in schools. There are arguments stating that these schoolsRead MoreMusic Education And Its Effect On Education1661 Words  | 7 Pagesopportunity to discover the fulfillment that music can bring to their lives. They are denied this chance by an unfair educational system. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Romanticism Report Free Essays
The definition of romanticism is noted as a romantic spirit, outlook, tendency, etc. or the spirit, styles, and attitudes of, or adherence to the Romantic Movement or a similar movement contrasted with classicism and realism. Now, to complete this definition we must define the Romantic Movement. We will write a custom essay sample on Romanticism Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Romantic Movement was the revolt in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries against the artistic, political, and philosophical principles that had become associated with neoclassicism: characterized in literature, music, paintings, etc. freedom of form, emphasis on feeling, originality, and creative imagination. Also on the artists own personality and sympathetic interests in nature, medevilism, the common man and so forth. This basically explains the content of this essay. The essay will be a deeper explanation of these things related to four of the main themes in romanticism. Specific examples of revolution, individuality, nature, and love will be included. The leading item in romanticism was passion. Almost everything, whether it be art, music, or literature, was shown with extreme passion. This could very well be the reason for calling it the Romantic Period. Love has a somewhat difficult definition, due to the fact that it is a feeling. Love had an immense role in romanticism. Love in art was mainly shown in ballet. It gave great importance to women not only as artists but mythical figures as well. The ballet showed men and women in an equality of roles, but also gave men a chance to show that they too could accomplish extravagant dance steps. Ballet also stressed exoticism, fantasy, nature and most importantly love. An example of common love theme in ballet would be the unrealizable love for an fleeting lady or fatal love for a temptress. Paris was the center of romantic ballet. A poet by the name of Theophile Gautier wrote the story for twhat is considered the greatest ballet of all time called â€Å"Giselle†. This ballet is still popular with modern audiences. This particular ballet was based upon a German legend of a girl who loves to dance and falls in love with a shepherd boy. Her mother warns her of her fate by saying â€Å"Unhappy child! You will dance forever, you will kill yourself, and when you are dead, you will become a Wili (dancing spirit). Her prophecy eventually becomes truth when Giselle kills herself after finding that her beloved is a duke in disguise and is already engaged to a noble lady. The woman who danced the lead (Carlotta Grisi), as told by Gautier himself, danced the role â€Å"With perfection, lightness, boldness, and a chaste refinement and refined seductiveness, which placed her in first rank.. .she was nature and artlessness personified. †In literature Madame de Stael’s novel â€Å"Corinne†is about a poetic genius who suffers and eventually dies of unrequited love, a very passionate and common theme in the Romantic Era. Madame de Stael’s statement on poetic inspiration is chiefly known for its portrayal of women and for its romantic glorification of inspired genius. Here is a portion of that statement: â€Å"Sometimes my impassioned excitement carries me beyond myself; teaches me to find in nature and in my own heart such daring truths and forcible expressions as solitary mediation could never have engendered. †This is a excellent example of so many of the themes in romanticism. It tells of passion, nature, love, and also individualism. These are all necessary components of romanticism. The roles of women in the Romantic Period were quite contradictory. They were liberated and independent, predatory and dangerous, domestic and subservient, and even ethereal and mystical. These are all ways that women were portrayed at this time, mostly the oppinions of men. Women, as writers, often went under male pen names due to the controversy of women writing. Some archetypes of women writers in romanticism were: Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelly (the woman who married the poet Shelly and wrote the story of â€Å"Frankenstien†). There were the Bronte sisters and Mary Ann Evans (under the name George Elliot) in England, Germaine Necker (Madame de Stael)and Aurore Dupin (George Sand) in France, and in the United States the extraordinary writers Margaret Fuller and Emily Dickenson. These are only a few of the many female writers in romanticism. These women were courageous and as passionate, if not more so than men, in their writing. They faced restrictions and struggled to be recognized as respectable writers in their time, they eventually did, but did not live to see this happen. The revolutions of both Europe and the United States greatly impacted romanticism. Romanticism is occasionally known as a revolutionary movement due to the extreme changes in politics, taste, feeling, behavior, thought and social and domestic relations. There are many examples of revolutionary and romantic ideas mixed. In Spaniard Francisco de Goya’s painting â€Å"The Third of May†(1808) there are obvious romantic qualities. The eloquent way that the figures are posed in motion and with the intensely contrasting and dramatic colors. All of these elements were typical in romanticism. This painting was also a political statement of the injustices and the slaughter of innocent citizens after an uprising against a French invasion. This painting was painted in 1814 after king Ferdinand was restored to the Spanish throne. In literature Schiller’s famous poem â€Å"Ode to Joy†written on the eve of the French Revolution showed his firm beliefs in human rights to dignity and freedom plus his hopes for universal brotherhood. He is placed in the transition between the Enlightenment and The Romantic Era. His poem is eternally recognized and was the inspiration for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony written almost thirty years later. This poem and the symphony have become one of the great statements of romanticism. As for politics and society, Jean Jacques Rousseau had a very considerable impact in this area at the time. He is the single most important figure for understanding the transition between the Enlightenment and romanticism. He was revered as a forefather of the revolution due to his analysis of social injustices and beliefs in human dignity and freedom. He raised individuality to a state of â€Å"prime importance†. His thoughts on individualism seem to be the philosophical foundation for the American republic (the largest territory having a government proclaiming people to be free and equal). During the Enlightenment, nature meant human nature, but in the Romantic Period nature meant unspoiled natural scenery such as forests, lakes, mountains, the ocean, etc. There came a desire for these objects in romanticism. Rousseau was yet again greatly influential. He questioned the value of civilized society. His followers believed that the natural and free life of the Natives in America were superior to that of the Europeans who settled in America. Another thought of his became a romantic view. It was that the black African was a noble and proud individual who had faced the tyranny and oppression of old Europe. In Rousseau’s â€Å"Reveries of the Solitary Walker†, he describes the beauty of the Swiss landscape and his feeling of communion with it. He relates his feelings of the joy of â€Å"pure sensation†, an abandonment of oneself. His notion of â€Å"the abandonment of thought and feeling oneself in unison with nature†shows a true romantic ideal. Romantic artists tended to depict nature as a reflection of sensations on their own souls. An example of romantic â€Å"natural†art would be John Constable’s â€Å"The White Horse†. This painting has great emphasis on nature, even in the title. It hows a small white horse and an enormous amount of scenery. The accent on the natural world is extraordinary. His style was the forerunner of the modern approach to painting. Another very naturalistic painting would be Francisco de Goya’s â€Å"The Dog†, which shows only a dog’s head and almost no definite scenery, but very natural colors and content. The body of the dog is hidden behind something that almost resembles sandstone. This painting is also quite modern, Goya was similarly on the brink of the Modern Era of art. In Literature Keats, Dickenson, and Wordsworth were all very naturalistic in their approaches to writing. In a poem named â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†, natural objects are used to express a feeling of loneliness. Here is an excerpt from that poem to help prove this point. â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud-That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; beside the lake, beneath the tree, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. †Simple, yet so lovely, a perfect example of how much nature was used in romantic literature. No matter if the writing was about life altering experiences or an ordinary day, many times the romantic poet expressed feelings through nature and with profound passion. The significance of individualism in the Romantic Era was astonishing. There are countless songs, poems, and paintings featuring this point in romanticism. Rousseau wrote, â€Å"If I am not better than other men, at least I am different! †. This is a terrific example of the individualistic thought at this time. The painting â€Å"The Dog†by Goya (used once before in this essay) is an almost disturbing example of individualism. The dog’s head is there all alone surrounded by an almost nothingness. The significance of the individual was ever present in art, but this painting shows almost a sadness about it, a sense of loneliness in its creativity. Literature was also full of individualistic thought. Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†shows this very boldly, the title alone gives that away. The way that he talks about the fashion in which his body naturally works made many people uncomfortable and shocked many as well. Whitman writes: â€Å"Divine am I inside and out, and I make holy Whatever I touch or am touched from The scent of these armpits aroma finer than prayer This head more than churches, bibles and all the Creeds. †This is obviously the extent of what people felt at this time, but this writing even shocks us today, probably because we have become more modest. In conclusion then, the Romantic Era was a period filled with love, passion revolution, individualism, nature, and many more themes like these. This period of time had spawned great literary works, paintings, plays, ballet, and much, much more. Passion and feeling are the most important elements in romanticism, practically everything was done passionately and with intense feeling, much like todays soap operas, which makes the Romantic Period one of the most impressive, most beautiful, and most extraordinary eras of all time. How to cite Romanticism Report, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Interpreting Value In The Customer Service -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Interpreting Value In The Customer Service? Answer: Introducation Customer service management refers to those strategies and practices which companies use for managing and analyzing their customer interaction. This management helps in maintaining healthy and efficient relations with the clients by resolving their issues and offering them what they want (Tynan, McKechnie Hartley, 2014). The present work is based on the given case scenario. It includes two features for management of real and useful help desk. Elaboration of two features in the good management of a help desk As per the given case scenario, the help desk section of WombatPhone which is a new mobile company is getting worse. Agents of the help desk are not offering effective and quality services to the customers. Due to this reason clients of the company are dissatisfied and finding an alternative. Concerning to this, efficiency improvements are required in help desk section for managing and maintaining good relations with the service users. The two factors which can work effectively for the management of help desk section of the company is as follows: Communication Plan: As the agents of the enterprise are not communicating well with the customers, they need to improve their communication and other related skills. Concerning this, WombatPhone has to develop effective communication plan which will include information regarding the importance of communication, ways to deal with clients, how to communicate properly, etc. Accounting to the Lam Mayer, (2014), Effective training and development sessions help in improving and enhancing communication and inter-personnel skills of the workers. With respect to this, the plan will also include training sessions which will make agents aware of the importance of polite conversation with the individuals along with good listening power in handling queries efficiently for offering best quality services to the customers (Importance Of Communication Skills for Students. 2012). This plan can also aware help desk staff about the skills and knowledge they lack and needs to develop. Information about the gesture and post ures to the employees while dealing with customers can lead to leaving an impressive mark on them. This feature can help in improving the present situation of the WombatPhones help desk Product Knowledge: Agents working at helpdesk section of the WombatPhone company needs to have appropriate and efficient knowledge with respect to the goods and services they are offering to the customers. As per the view of Zurich, (2017), Companies should conduct meetings, seminars or conferences for providing appropriate information regarding their new products or services to the employees offering customer services. In context to this, the staff of help desk will able to understand and resolve the queries of the customers by using appropriate product information. Proper and suitable solution to the problem can lead to increase the satisfaction level of the clients. In this feature of customer service management, employees need to take active participation in the meetings and conferences. Along with this, WombatPhone can also provide booklets, manual handbooks to the staff members for making them aware of the functionalities and operations of the mobile phones. This feature can help organization in offering high-quality services by handling the issue of providing misleading information to the customers which will lead to improving the dangerous condition of the help desk Conclusion The above study concluded that it is necessary for WombatPhone to offer high-quality services to the customers for maintaining relations with them and accomplishing objectives. Effective communication plan and product knowledge can help the company in handling its current help desk situation. References Lam, C. F., Mayer, D. M. (2014). When do employees speak up for their customers? A model of voice in a customer service context.Personnel Psychology,67(3), 637-666. Tynan, C., McKechnie, S., Hartley, S. (2014). Interpreting value in the customer service experience using customer-dominant logic.Journal of Marketing Management,30(9-10), 1058-1081. Zurich, L. B. (2017). Service Operations and Management. Importance Of Communication Skills for Students. 2012. [Online]. Available Through:[Accessed on 20th September 2017]
Friday, November 29, 2019
Jessica Galati Essays (671 words) - Architecture, Construction
Jessica Galati Assignment 1: Art Criticism October 8, 2013 Part One: "Where Modernity Frames Tradition" by Michael Zimmerman Jan. 9, 2013 NYT London is starting to become what one critic calls "Skyscrapers Gone Wild". Recently in London many new skyscrapers have been built and commissioned and they are not being received warmly. Their design follows a "rat race of extravagance" that has captivated most architects. They are being called "supersized, contorted, totally out of context" by the late critic Ada Louise Huxtable. This trend is something that the city of London had tried to stay uninfected, however without success. Kimmelman goes on to critique many of the newest buildings in London and their nicknames. We have buildings such as the gurken, the cheese grater, the can of ham, the walkie-talkie, and the shard, which has actually been getting reviews of being a widely successful design. The new Rothschild headquarters is no skyscraper, reaching 15 stories; however it is being remarked as more distinguished then say the walkie talkie in terms of design. The biggest idea was cutting a passage thought the site and raising the building to allow a view of the St. Stephens tower. The building is designed smooth and sleek, from the hand-carved oak cabinets on the interior and the lofted lobby. I agree strongly with the author's view of the modern monstrosity that is present day architecture. As a commuter to New York City I pass by multiple skyscrapers every day. I think every day that soon we'll have a skyline of incredibly gaudy spikes, curves, and corkscrews. Even the every day buildings are going to the extremes. For example Frank Ghery's 100 million dollar west side IAC building. This building consists of top and bottom frosted glass, walls twisting at odd angles, and a smaller scale of the bottom placed on top. This atrocious building has been described as "oddly tame". I am left speechless by this assessment. As a student of architecture I have designed some pretty zany buildings myself, not that I would ever commission even a single one of them because they would all be eyesores. I feel that soon all these towers will soon look outdated and very cheap. I hope we go through a rebirth of classical architecture soon or we may be surrounded by buildings straight out of cartoons. Part Two: Avery Coonly Playhouse: Triptych Window, 1912 by Frank Lloyd Wright This work by Frank Lloyd Wright was taken from the Avery Coonly Playhouse. This style follows Wright's love for "festive Americana" however it does have Japanese influence which was a large factor in much of Wrights work at this time period. During this time however most of the country, was designing in a prairie style, including the house this window was taken from. The window's geometric shapes and clean lines represent a whimsical and childish simplicity of the children who inhabited the playhouse it was placed in. representation of a party, with balloons, flags, and confetti. It was designed for a playhouse for children and Wright had not meant it to be taken out of its context because it would not be viewed the same. Wrights idea that that glass and the architecture were compliments of each other and that neither could stand on their own. He believed in the context of the building and the window was designed for the day-to-day living of the space he created it for, and no where else. Part Three: Being that Michael Kimmelman had much to say about architecture, I believe he would agree with my analysis of this window. I believe he would asses Wrights earlier works, their context, his ideas about architecture and design, and apply them to this piece. For example, the Light Screen by Frank Lloyd Wright was another piece of art he created in glass for a particular house, the Darwin D Martin house in Buffalo, New York. H again used an abstract mostly linear pattern however using a lush and iridescent color screen considering the inhabitants of this building. As opposed to the playhouse for children and its window, this buildings inhabitants are adults and so the pattern is not as whimsical. Again the window is not meant to be taken out of context like in the Triptych window.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Dell Auditing Essay Example
Dell Auditing Essay Example Dell Auditing Essay Dell Auditing Essay Dell’s merchandises Dell’s merchandises can be separated by place and working subdivisions. For personal clients Dell provide personal laptops. desktops. tablets and a kind of accoutrements. For endeavor and authorities users. Dell provide office equipment such as Personal computers. proctors. pressmans A ; electronics and Tablets. Workstations and services focal point on waiters. solutions and package. Dell’s rivals Rivals of Dell including Lenovo. Apple. Hewlett-Packard. Asus and so on. Dell’s clients Based on the advantages of stableness and advanced engineering. the chief portion of the clients of Dell are authorities. endeavor and different establishments. The other portion of Dell’s client is household and personal users which focus on Personal computers. laptops and personal informations services. Dell’s providers Dell’s planetary scheme made a broad and drawn-out supply concatenation. 95 % of its providers with including AMD. Hitachi. Microsoft and Samsung has been disclosed on the website hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dingle. com/learn/us/en/uscorp1/corp-comm/cr-ca-list-suppliers How does Dell market and administer its merchandises? For personal clients. Dell’s scheme is to custom-make its merchandises in order to fulfill possible buyers’ demand. One of the illustration is the Alienware Gaming PCs. which is designed and manufactured for high criterion game participant. Dell presented manner visual aspect to pull adolescents and powerful public presentation to carry through clients who is seeking perfect game experience. Merchandises can be made for different maps and added distinguished accoutrements. To cover with the big orders from endeavors. authorities sections and establishments. Dell serves merchandises and services with lower monetary value and higher stableness. Under this fortunes. clients will be given to take Dell’s merchandises invariably and may present them to other possible users. What is Dell’s concern scheme? Dell is an evidently cost leading company. Rely on the efficient supply concatenation. Dell gained superior monetary value advantage. On the tablet and laptop market Dell has to confront strong competition from Apple and Samsung but it was still the largest gross subscriber ( 31 % harmonizing 10K ) because the lower monetary value in 2012. Dell besides attempted on Alienware series to come in high public presentation Personal computer market. By and large. the beginnings of Dell’s gross was about every bit provided by enterprise solutions ( 46 % ) and services and Personal Client ( 54 % ) . What are critical concern procedures for Dell given its basic concern scheme? Dell’s cost leading scheme is chiefly supported by its efficient supply concatenation direction. Suppliers for Dell are globally and widely separated in different concerns. Based on the supply system. Dell could guarantee lower accoutrement monetary value and dialogue advantages. Outsource fabrication and services decreased the stock list and fiscal hazard. which is usually in high engineering industry because of merchandise replacing. What accounting information is associated with the critical concern procedures and how does Dell mensurate up on that information? Cost of goods sold. stock list. history collectible and grosss. What accounting methods does Dell utilize to describe the accounting information associated with critical concern procedures and what is the hazard of stuff misstatement? Dell uses FIFO to describe stock list and gross is recognized on the minute of cargo. The sum of history receivable is about half of the current plus which means the extremely hazard of income statement accommodation. Inventory has been kept in lower degree. see about the return and exchange service. the figure of stock list might be misstated either. Professional auditing criterions provide counsel on the auditor’s consideration of an entity’s concern hazards. What is the auditor’s aim for understanding an entity’s concern hazards? Why does an hearer non hold duty to place or measure all concern hazards? Supply some illustrations of concern hazards associated with an entity that an hearer should see when executing an audit. The intent of concern hazards understanding is to offer hearers capableness to acknowledge possible misstatement and do analysis and accommodation. Audit study will be more efficient and sensible with support of concern expertness. Hearers did non take part direction procedure of the company. and sometimes material or extremely material information will be presented to hearers. Auditor’s range may be restricted or independency influence the truth of audit study.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Week 3&5&7&8 discussions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Week 3 discussions - Coursework Example Just before the 16th century ended Islam had spread through conversion and had surpassed Buddhism and Hinduism as the most dominant religion of Sumatra and Java peoples. Initially the spread of Islam was driven mostly by increased trade links. The second factor that led to the dominance of Islam as a religion was the role played by missionaries (Sufis).Thus the Sufis played a major role by spreading the religion by syncretising of Islamic ideas with the existing local religious notions and beliefs. Eventually Islam was embraced by the ruling classes which greatly helped the permeation of the faith throughout the whole region. Islam is still dominant in Indonesia where it harbors 12.7% of all the world’s Muslims. 2. Muslims in Malaysia have rejected Islamic Fundamentalism because of its hard line policies and amid fears that the country could plunge into religious extremism, instability and terrorism. Some Malaysians therefore fear there could be rise in religious fundamentalism if Islamic Fundamentalism was accepted. Over the years Malaysia has detained several suspected terrorist, some of which are linked to al-Qaeda. 3. Ethic Chinese economic success dates back to several centuries ago. It is true that many Chinese people are good entrepreneurs and they are always willing to work hard and smart for money. This has led to their being discriminated against by the locals in several SE Asian countries such as Indonesia. Another economic success factor of the ethic Chinese is that they have a free market under a communist rule. The fact that ethic Chinese businessmen are dealing with America, means they are owed trillions of dollars by America. Dealing with America has made them very rich and successful. Several Chinese Company owners are super rich whereas low class is struggling since they are paid very little for their labor. China does not have tough employment laws and thus has very cheap available, which ensures very high profits. 4. Singapore
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketing Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marketing Communication - Essay Example (Pravat, 2003). Modern marketing communications is not just indicators of availability of products and services. Daily experience and our knowledge of marketing principles show that communication in marketing is much more than informing, since one can observe such actions as sponsorship, product repositioning, consumer targeting, image redefinition and brand renewal. (Varey, 2001). Marketing communication is a set of purposive activities, linked and coordinated to some degree. These activities are simply some of the actions that occur in a situation, impart some influence on the situation and are in turn influenced by the context in which they arise. Contexts are not isolated sets of circumstances that are easily identified - rarely do we have full knowledge Video games promote targeted marketing. Targeted marketing, refers to the concentrated marketing of a product to a segment of consumers due to the economic possibilities of the group, in terms of factors such as its size and growth rate. (Cespedes 1993). When marketers promote a product beneficial to a group of consumers, targeted marketing becomes ethical and is well-received by consumers. The soft and subtle targeting of potentially harmful products at vulnerable consumers has received criticism which includes targeting children with R-rated movies and using animal characters to promote cigarettes and alcohol (Wall Street Journal 1997).Consumer vulnerability has been the essence of marketing ethics. In numerous legal cases, the court system in the U.S. has defined vulnerable consumers as a group of people who, due to various idiosyncrasies, are sensitive and susceptible to the potential negative effects associated with using a particular product (Morgan, Schuler and Stoltman 1995). Marketing is an exchange between marketers and consumers that aims to satisfy consumer needs and maximize the return on investment for shareholders. There is a persistent tension between marketers' interests and those of consumers (Smith 1995). This conflict forms the basis for different positions on the ethics continuum of marketing practices (Smith 1995, 1993). However, placing consumers' interests against those of marketers on the ethics continuum may be too simplistic, because it may imply that marketing is a zero-sum game and reject the possibility of a win-win outcome (Smith 1995). Both marketers and consumers may form their perceptions of the ethics of specific marketing scenarios according to ethical principles such as rights, justice, fairness, and equity (Dunfee, Smith, and Ross 1999 Based on the website of the American Marketing Association commits itself to promoting the highest standard of professional ethical norms and values for its members. Norms are established standards of conduct that are expected and maintained by society and professional groups. Values represent the collective conception of what people find desirable, important and morally proper. Values serve as the criteria for evaluating the actions of others. Marketing practitioners must recognize that they not only serve their enterprises but also act as stewards of society in creating, facilitating and executing the efficient and effective transactions that are part of the greater economy.Behaviour can be modified when people communicate. This explains how some advertising and word-of-mouth interaction affect
Monday, November 18, 2019
Investment Options Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment Options - Research Paper Example Individuals or firms who speculate in futures contracts by buying to profit from a price increase or selling to profit from a price decrease are aptly termed as speculators. Suffice it to say that speculators put their money at risk in the hope of profiting from an anticipated price change. Buying futures contracts with the hope of later being able to sell them at a higher price is known as "going long." Conversely, selling futures contracts with the hope of being able to buy back identical and offsetting futures contracts at a lower price is known as "going short." An arbitrageur is a type of investor, actually a type of speculator, who attempts to profit from price inefficiencies in the market by making simultaneous tradesthat offset each other andcapture risk-free profits.An arbitrageur would, for example, seek out price discrepancies between stocks listed on more than one exchange, buy the undervalued shares on the one exchange while short selling the same number of overvalued shares on the other exchange, thus capturing risk-free profits as the prices on thetwoexchanges converge. Arbitrageurs are typically very experienced investors since arbitrage opportunities are difficult to find and require relativelyfast trading. The three amigos were certainly not hedgers as they were not concerned about protecting the interest of Getty Oil. They were, in fact, keen on making a quick buck out of buying shares of Getty Oil (which were very cheap) and selling them at a higher price when the takeover battle commences. In this regard, they can be considered as speculators as they are buying the shares in the hope of higher selling prices in the future. However, because the three amigos were taking advantage of the price inefficiency of Getty Oil which was at 30$ instead of having risen to $50 to 60, they are arbitrageurs. They were so keen in capturing risk free profits or at least an investment with very little risk. 2. Describe step-by-step their strategy. What were the major assumptions of their strategy They were relying on what type of investors to move in what way The strategy of the three amigos is to find a stock price which carried with it minimal or no risks (i.e. stock price would not go down in the future). They were looking for a company that was not closely observed by stock traders and which was very likely to have stock prices going up thereby making them earn profits in a very short period. The major assumption that the three amigos made was that Getty Oil's stock price was not likely to go down and the conditions were ripe for an increase. They arrived at this by considering that Getty Oil was selling only at a low multiple of its cash flow and had assets that can be easily valued and liquidated. Getty Oil also had assets in the right place and had proven reserves. The political, economic and oil industry's environment also showed that is highly probable that oil players will be at the winning edge in the future. The only reason that Getty Oil stock price hasn't risen yet despite all the positive factors was that the shareholders were segmented which was causing inefficiency in grabbing the opportunity. With an imminent takeover, Getty Oil will soon take advantage of the positive fact
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Physicological Characterization of M.VITRJS5
Physicological Characterization of M.VITRJS5 Monica Samal, Teena Patra, Suthindhiran K Abstract Magnetospirillium sp. is a Gram – negative ÃŽ ±-proteobacterium which has the ability to move towards the geomagnetic field lines of Earth’s magnetic field. The group of bacteria is collectively called Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB). MTB produce intracellular organelles called magnetosomes which help them in its search for optimal living conditions in complex environment. MTB is a gradient – requiring microorganism that are difficult to replicate in growth medium in the laboratory. In this work the physiological characterization of MTB strain Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5 was done as well as a modified growth medium for the growth of Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5 was developed. The media components are studied based on the physiological characteristics of the bacteria. The role of electron donors, electron acceptors, nitrogen sources, carbon sources, iron containing compounds, phosphates, reducing agents, on the growth of the bacteria in the MS1 media was studied. The growth of the bacteria in the novel modified MS media was analysed and compared with commercial MTB media such as MSGM (Magnetospirillum growth media) and Schuler’s oxygen – sulphur gradient media. An increase in growth is observed in the modified MS media compared to the commercially available media. 1. INTRODUCTION: Magnetotactic bacteria are fastidious microorganisms that represent a morphologically and physiologically diverse group of bacteria. The presence of intracellular, membrane bound nano-sized magnetic particles called magnetosomes assists the bacteria in sustaining an optimal position in redox gradient habitats. Magnetosomes are crystals of iron mineral which consist of either iron oxide (Fe3O4) or iron sulphide (Fe3S4). A combination of aerotaxis, magnetotaxis and chemotaxis helps MTB to move away from oxygen in surface water, thus directing them in maintaining an optimal position in and around the oxic-anoxic interface (OAI). Magnetospirillum sp. is the most studied and well understood group of bacteria among MTB. Magnetospirillum sp. was mostly isolated from fresh water habitats and many pure cultures were available in many laboratories around the world. Magnetotactic Bacteria (MTB) species have characteristic organelles called magnetosomes that contain magnetic crystals. These magnetosomes give them the ability to move in response to the earth’s magnetic field (magnetotaxis). MTB were first observed by Salvatore Bellini in the year 1963 and collected from different freshwater environments near Pavia, Italy [1,2]. The most studied species of Magnetospirillum genus are species of Ms. gryphiswaldense [5], Ms. Magneticum[7], Ms. magnetotacticum [8]. The MTB strains isolated from marine or brackish environments include: the coccoid strains: MO-1[9] , Magnetococcus marinus strain MC-1[10] and Magnetofaba australis (IT-1)[11] ; the vibrioid strain: Magnetovibrio blakemorei strain MV-1[12] and the spirilla Magnetospira thiophila (MMS-1)[13] and Magnetospira sp. strain QH-2[14] ; all of which belong to the Alphaproteobacteria. Most magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are known to be phylogenetically similar to the Alphaproteobacteria, Gammap roteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria classes of the Proteobacteria and the Nitrospirae phylum with response to magnetosome formation[6]. Magnetotactic bacteria are known to thrive in sediments or chemically stratified water columns, where they occur mostly at the oxic-anoxic interface (OAI), the anoxic regions of the habitat, or both [3]. Although the detection of these in samples is relatively simple [4], magnetotactic bacteria are a fastidious group of prokaryotes, and special culture conditions are necessary for their isolation and cultivation. There is clear evidence that the availability and diversity of MTB in different environments is majorly influenced by salinity and also, iron availability, temperature and concentrations of sulfur and nitrogen compounds are also seen to be clearly important in the distribution of MTB. The respiratory forms of metabolism of genus Magnetospirillum are either chemoorganoheterotropic, using organic acids and carbon source or electron donors. Mostly Magnetospirillum sp. capable of autotrophic and mixotrophic growth and utilize nitrate as alternative terminal oxygen acceptor. Magn etospirillum are obligate microaerophile that requires oxygen even when nitrate is present in the medium. The present study,examined the phylogenetic affiliations and physiological characteristics of Magnetospirillium sp. VITRJS5. To characterize physiological parameters, microaerophillic batch experiments were performed to determine the following: (1) growth pH and temperature ranges, (2) Optimum electronic donor/carbon source and electron acceptor. (3) optimum nitrogen and phosphate source (4) optimum Iron source (5) optimum reducing agent/ sulphur source. Once the preliminary screening of the compounds over different concentrations of the nutritional requirements is determined to develop a modified growth media. 2. Methods and materials: 2.1. Media and microorganism Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 (Accession number: KM289194) is a novel MTB isolated from the fresh water sediment. They are spiral in shape and move towards the earth’s magnetic field. They have polar flagellum at each end of the cell. The strain was obtained from Marine biotechnology and biomedicine lab, VIT University. The bacteria were sub-cultured in Magnetospirillum growth media (MSGM) under microaerophillic conditions Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 was initially grown in previously standardized minimal media MS1 to analyse the growth conditions in the presence of electron donors and acceptors. MS1 media per litre containing K2HPO4 – 850mg, Na2HPO4 – 850mg, NH4H2PO4 – 500mg, MgSO4 – 100mg, FeSO4 7H2O – 5mg, Na2MoO4 – 0.2mg, EDTA – 10mg and Mineral solution 10ml Electron donor and acceptor has to be added accordingly. From the earlier studies, the optimum temperature and pH for the growth of Magnetospirillum is 28 °C and 7.5 pH. 2.2 Determination of electron acceptors and concentration of selected acceptor: For this, 50 ml of MS-1 media was added in five serum bottles and 50 mg of electron donor which in this case is sodium acetate (CH3COONa) was added to each bottle. Then 50 mg of five different acceptors were added in different bottles. These five acceptors are nitrite, selenite, nitrate, thiosulphate and sulphate. Nitrogen was sparged to the media to make it anaerobic, closed with butyl rubber stopper and sealed with aluminium caps. All the anaerobic culturing was performed according to Hungate 1950[15]. The Magnetospirillum VITRJS5 was inoculated to MS1 media. These bottles were kept for overnight incubation in a shaker incubator. Now the different concentrations of selected acceptor is determined .It is done for concentration of 5mM, 10 mM , 15mM, 20 mM and 30 mM . Steps for anaerobic culture was repeated. The absorbance is checked in UV-VIS spectrophotometer at wavelength of 595 nm. 2.3. Determination of electron donors and concentration of selected donor: For this, 50 ml of MS-1 media was added in five serum bottles and 50 mg of electron acceptor which in this case is nitrate was added to each bottle. Then different donors were added in different bottles. These donors are methanol (250  µl), ethanol( 50 µl), glycerol (50 µl), pyruvate (82.5 mg/ 15mM) , citrate (221 mg/ 15mM),succinate (202.6 mg/15mM), lactate(110 µl/15mM), glucose (135.12 mg/15mM), sucrose (256.9 mg/15mM), Ferrous chloride (121.65 mg/15mM)and thiosulphate (186.1 mg/15mM).Nitrogen gas was bubbled into each bottle for anaerobic condition and sample VITRJS5 strain was inoculated in each bottle. These bottles were kept for overnight incubation in a shaker incubator. Narrowing down the number of donors based on the growth of sample. Different concentrations of selected donor are determined. Selected donors are added in different concentration of 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM. The steps for anaerobic culture are repeated. The absorbance is checked in UV-VIS spectr ophotometer at 595 nm. 2.4. Determination of nitrogen source for optimum growth: MS-1 Media was prepared without nitrogen source (MS-1 media without NH4H2PO4 ) and with the selected concentration of electron donor and acceptor. For this, activity of NH4H2PO4 was checked in different concentrations (5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM) against different concentrations of NH4Cl(5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM).The above described procedure of anaerobic growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at a wavelength of 595 nm. 2. 5. Determination of reducing for optimum growth: MS-1 media with selected concentration of donor and acceptor was prepared. For this, activity of thiol glycolate was checked in different concentrations of 5mM, 10mM, 15mM, 20mM and 30 mM against cysteine-HCl 4% at concentrations of 50  µl , 100  µl, 150  µl, 200  µl and 500  µl. The procedure for anaerobic culture growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at 595 nm. 2.6. Determination of iron source for optimum growth MS-1 media with selected concentration of donor and acceptor and without FeSO4 . 7H2O was prepared. For this, activity of ferrous sulphate was checked in different concentrations of 5mM, 10mM and 15mM against ferric citrate at concentrations of 0.5mM, 1.0mM and 1.5mM and against ferric quinate at concentrations of 0.5mM, 1.0mM and 1.5mM. The procedure for anaerobic culture growth was repeated. The absorbance was checked at 595 nm. 3. Result: 3.1 Electron acceptor and its concentration for optimum growth: On incubating the strain M.VITRJS5 in the MS1 media with the various electron acceptors, we obtained various results as seen in table1. From the table, we find that Nitrite, Nitrate and Selenite good electron acceptors for the strain. But we negate the role of Nitrite and Selenite as in nitrite, growth is observed after 2 weeks and selenite is considered toxic. Thus, Nitrate is considered as the most probable electron donor. Next, different concentrations of Nitrate are added to MS1 media to see which concentration of nitrate supports maximum growth (as seen in Table 2 and fig.1) Table 1. Tabular representation of growth with various electron acceptor. Table 2. Tabular representation of absorbance of different concentration of nitrate Fig.1 Graphical representation of the growth with different concentration of nitrate From the above table and fig.1, it is seen that 5mM of nitrate shows maximum growth on all three days. Thus, there is optimum growth seen in 5mM serum bottle. 3.2. Electron donor and its concentration for optimum growth On incubating the strain M.VITRJS5 in the MS1 media with the various electron donors, we obtained various results as seen in table1.From the table 3, it is seen that growth of M.VITRJS5 is more pronounced with electron donors Ethanol, Glycerol, Pyruvate, Succinate, Lactate, Glucose and Sucrose along with Acetate which was already being used as an electron donor for other MTBs. Among these, Pyruvate, Sucrose and Acetate showed almost double the growth as seen in other electron donors. But we negate Sucrose as an electron donor as it is not economical. Later, different concentrations of Nitrate are added to MS1 media to see which concentration of nitrate supports maximum growth (as seen in Table 2 and fig.1) Table3. Representation of growth with various donors Table 4. Tabular Representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of pyruvate Fig 2. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of pyruvate As seen in the above two graphs and tables, 30mM concentration of pyruvate shows highest growth in comparison with the other concentrations of acetate and pyruvate. 3. Nitrogen source and its concentration for optimum growth: The next step is incubation of M.VITRJS5 strain in MS-1 media(without NH4H2PO4) with Ammonium chloride and Ammonium hydrogen phosphate to determine the better nitrogen source. Fig 4. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of NH4H2PO4 As seen in figure 4, 5 and tables 6,7, it is observed that the best growth is seen in bottles of Ammonium hydrogen phosphate(NH4H2PO4) rather than that of Ammonium chloride(NH4Cl). The most consistence growth is seen in 20 mM concentration of NH4H2PO4 as compared with other concentrations. 3.4. Carbon source: Since it has already been confirmed that pyruvate acts as the best electron donor, the same can act as a carbon source. 3.5. Phosphorus source: Ammonium hydrogen phosphate acts both as a nitrogen source as well as phosphorys source. 3.6. Sulphur source: Next the M.VITRJS5 strain was incubated in prepared MS-1 media with Sodium thioglycolate and cysteine HCl 4% to determine the better sulphur source. Fig 6. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Sodium thioglycolate As seen in fig 6,7 and table 8,9, 50 µl concentration of Cys –HCl shows highest growth as compared to the other concentrations. There was no growth in other concentrations due to the reducing properties of Cysteine HCl and Sodium thioglycolate. MTBs are microaerophilic and hence, would not grow in anaerobic condition. Sulphur is a reducing agent and hence, would remove oxygen species from the media. Therefore, there is less or minimal growth of the bacteria. 3.7 Iron source : Table 10. Tabular representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric citrate Fig 8. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric citrate Table 11. Tabular representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of quinate Fig 9. Graphical representation of absorbance of growth with different concentrations of Ferric quinate 3.8 Comparison of new media with existing media: 4. Discussion: As already mentioned above, Magnetotactic bacteria (MTBs) are microaerophilic bacteria which have the ability to biomineralise membrane-encased, single-magnetic-domain mineral crystals (magnetosomes) and hence, cause the cell to orientate along the Earth’s geomagnetic field. These mostly occur in aquatic bodies ranging from saline to freshwater environment. Our basic objective in this study was to test the growth of the microaerophilic strain using different concentrations of electron donor, electron acceptor, nitrogen source, carbon source, phosphorus source, sulphur source, iron source, etc. From the study, the following observations have been noted down: The strain M.VITRJS5 was seen to grow well in 5mM concentration of Nitrate (electron acceptor), 30mM concentration of Pyruvate (electron donor and carbon source) and 20mM concentration of Ammonium hydrogen phosphate (nitrogen source and phosphorus source). Also, the growth of the strain was seen to be minimalized in case of Sodium thioglycolate and Cysteine HCl as these are strong reducing agents and thus, would reduce the amount of oxygen species in the media. As mentioned above, these bacteria are microaerophilic and hence, would not grow in sulphur sources (except in 15mM Sodium Thioglycolate and 50 µl Cysteine HCl). The comparison of the present media for Magnetospirillum growth media (MSGM) Schà ¼ler Magnetospirillum isolation media and the new prepared media was done. The new media contained sodium nitrate as acceptor, sodium pyruvate as electron donor and carbon source, ammonium hydrogen phosphate as nitrogen and phosphorus source, ferric citrate as iron source and cysteine HCl as sulphur source. Magnetotactic bacteria has the ability to produce magnetosomes which has stimulated and motivated a new field of research involving scientific and biomedical applications of MTB and diverse commercial which could be improved using magnetic nanocrystals. But the main drawbacks to the application of magnetosomes involves the fastidious nature of MTB related to the growth. Thus,it is difficult to culture them on a large scale, and it is important to understand genetic/environmental control for magnetosome synthesis.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Genesis of a Backcountry Identity :: Colonial America Colonization Essays
The Genesis of a Backcountry Identity In the North American English[1] colonial experience and in the subsequent post- revolutionary American Republic, the ability to assimilate either individually or collectively into the hierarchy of power represented a continually evolving process. Previously, throughout Europe’s ancient rà ©gime, a ridged hierarchy had dominated the social interaction of every facet of life and dictated that social positioning was a product of one’s birth and not open to unwarranted acts of social promotion. With the opening of English colonization efforts in the new world during the seventeenth century, the ridged social hierarchy of the old world was transplanted to North America. Although the Puritan settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Area and the settlers at Jamestown came to North America with wildly divergent intentions, the two different groups nevertheless brought with them the social behaviors of the dominate English identity that they had both been accustom to. The geographica l distance between England and North America, however, generated a logistically challenged environment that increasingly compelled colonial Americans to integrate their dominant English customs within the practical realities of living three thousand miles away from London. Maintaining traditional social order in the English North American colonies was therefore particularly problematic the farther west that English colonial expansion reached in North America. Consequently, in the ensuing one hundred and fifty plus years before colonial America entered the pre-revolutionary period in 1763[2], a gradual weakening of the traditional English hierarchical order of colonial life facilitated the development of a sectionalist conflict that would characterize the western expansion of North America. The loosening of traditional social controls in the English North American colonies affected nearly every aspect of colonial society, but along the expanding frontier regions of colonial America the effects of the weakening hierarchy’s authority allowed a distinct frontier or backcountry identity to develop.[3] At the forefront of the backcountry’s collective identity lay the singular importance of land ownership because, as historian Alan Taylor suggests, â€Å"the distribution of †¦property would determine what sort of society would be reproduced over time as Americans expanded across the continent.†[4] Because property ownership ultimately represented the defining element for entrance into the governing ranks of early American society, some marginalized groups of white frontier settlers that were typically comprised of recently arrived immigrants, squatters, and tenant farmers, occasionally were compelled to rebel against the eastern colonial centers of authority. The Paxton
Monday, November 11, 2019
Differences Between Vietnam and British Food Essay
When we talk about the differences between Vietnamese and English culture, we can think of many things, namely literature, style of music, arts, †¦ One of these highlight culture is culinary. And I will tell you some differences of the two cuisines. Initially, both English and Vietnamese have 3 meals per day, but British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable while people in Vietnam have rice, pork and vegetable as the main ingredients. Secondly, the most common foods eaten in Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips, trifle and roasts dinners, opposite to pho, banh mi, xoi in Vietnam. For example, a typical English breakfast is more likely to be a bowl of cereals, a slice of toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee but in Vietnam, people usually eat pho, banh mi, xoi or instant noodles. Another differences is eating manner. English people eat with a knife, fork or spoon (with the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right one) while Vietnamese usually use chopstick and spoon. In the meal, the British usually use napkins and drink during meal meanwhile Vietnamese do not use napkins but wash their hands and their faces before and after every meal. They don’t drink during eating, they drink afterward. In addition , in Viet Nam, rice is the main starch and meat is cut into small pieces before cooking because they never use knife during meal but in Britain potato or bread is the main starch and meat is cooked in big pieces, they cut it during eating Finally, before having meal, people in England normally pray for the God because of providing them with food, however, in Vietnam, everybody (especially young people) have to invite other members having meal. There are so many differences in British and Vietnamese cuisine. The differences indicated above can show that the British culture is significantly different from the Vietnamese one. But in the trend of integration Viet Nam and Britain have more acculturation, especially cuisine. For example, there are so many places in Viet Nam selling British food such as sandwich, fish and chips and vice versa.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Top 6 ACT Science Tips You Must Use
The Top 6 ACT Science Tips You Must Use SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many students struggle with ACT Science. Students, who came to me for tutoring after taking their first official ACT test, typically performed worst on this section.It is very fast and unlike any other science test. This section more than any other is about pacing and strategy. I was able to boost my ACT Science score 5 points with a few tips.So, what simple tips and tricks can you use to boost your ACT Science score right now? ACT Science Tip #1: Save the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage for Last Every question in the ACT Science section is worth the same point value, so you want to get the most points in the limited amount of time given (35 minutes total or 52.5 seconds per question). To get the most points, you should save the most time-consuming passage for last, which conflicting viewpoints is.If you do not know the 3 Types of ACT Science Passages, read this articlefirst. As a brief summary, there are 3 types of passages, 7 passages used on the test: 3 Data Representation Passages 3 Research Summaries Passages 1 Conflicting Viewpoints Passage The Conflicting Viewpoints Passage has no graphs or tables.Instead, there are two or more scientists/students/theories presented in short paragraphs.The questions ask you about each viewpoint and the differences and similarities between the viewpoints.You need to read and understand the entire passage to answer the questions.Therefore, this passage will take the longest, so save it for last, so it doesn’t kill your pace. Conflicting Viewpoints should be THE END You should be able to speed through the other 2 types of passages using our next tip: ACT Science Tip #2: Use Only Visuals to Answer Questions in Data Representation and Research Summary Passages Again, since every question is worth the same point value and you only have 52.5 seconds per question, you want to answer as many questions as you can in the shortest amount of time. Saving Conflicting Viewpoints until the end will save you some time, but not reading the Data Representation and Research Summary passages will save you even more time. Most of the questions in these 2 types of passages can be answered by using the visuals and not reading the passage, so you will actually save time and answer more questions correctly by not reading these passages! Counterintuitive, I know. Since the majority of the questions ask you about data which is presented in the visuals, you just need to look at these visuals to find the correct answer. Learn more about this in our other article on time management and section strategy. Again, skip reading these passages, jump right to the questions and answer as many as you can with visuals alone.If you can’t get to a final answer, at least use the visuals for process of elimination: ACT Science Tip #3: Use Process of Elimination Again,you have very little time on the ACT Science section (5 minutes per passage or 52.5 seconds per question). You need to find ways to make the best use of your limited time. So, as you start to notice what cannot be the correct answer, cross it out. This process of elimination will help you make the best use of your time and will lead you to the correct answer. If you don'tuse process of elimination, you may jump to pick an answer before making sure it is the best answer choice. With process of elimination, you know your final answer is the only one thatCANbe correct. If it is wrong, cross it out! You do not want to let anything slow you down, including the big science terms: ACT Science Tip #4: Make Sure You Read the Right Figure and Pay Attention to Labels In my experience teaching students, the most common careless mistake I see is reading the wrong figure and mixing up the labels. If you look at Figure 2 when you're supposed to be looking at Figure 3, you'll make huge mistakes. And you can bet the ACT has trap answers that bait you into these mistakes. Similarly, graphs often have labeled x and y-axes, and you need to make sure you're looking at the correct axis to find the correct data value. Check out my guide on reading graphs to make sure you don't make these mistakes. ACT Science Tip #5: Don't Get Stuck onBig Science Terms ACT Science is really a misnomer; the test should be called the â€Å"reading with very confusing big words and tricky visuals†section.The reason ACT Science does not force you to memorize AP level Bio or complete IB Physics HL problems is that not everyone takes all of that math in high school. For ACT Science to be a fair standardized test for all high school students, the test asks you about basic science concepts in tricky or confusing ways. The ACT Science does not expect you to be familiar with the big science terms it throws at you. ACT Science Tip #6: Don't Study ScienceTerms If you need to know a science term to answer a question, the term will be defined for you in the passage. For most of the large science terms that are not defined,you will not need to understand them to get to the answer.Think of it as a matching game. If a question asks about average change in AGTB and you do not know what that is, simply find the term â€Å"average change in AGTB†in a visual (such as a graph) and then see if you can find the data you need to answer the question. There are only 4 outside knowledge questions on ACT Science that require you to know concepts outside of the passage. We detail every concept you need to know in this guide. Recap Use these 6 tips and you will see an instant improvement: Save the Conflicting Viewpoints Passage for last. Try to use only visuals to answer questions in Data Representation and Research Summary Passages. Use Process of Elimination. Make sure you read the right figure and pay attention to labels. Do not get caught up in the big science terms. Don't actually study science to improve your score. Keep these tips in mind before your test and you'll avoid careless mistakes and save time! These strategies alone may not help you push your score to the maximum. Be sure to check out our other articles for maximum score improvement. What’s Next? Learnabout the differenttypes of questions on the ACT Science section such asfactual questions,interpreting trends questions, and experimental design and hypothetical change questions. Looking for overall ACT Science review? Read our complete guide to the section. Taking the ACT really soon? Check out our guide to cramming. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
This report discuss Taguchis methods for quality Essays
This report discuss Taguchis methods for quality Essays This report discuss Taguchis methods for quality Paper This report discuss Taguchis methods for quality Paper Essay Topic: History Dr Genichi Taguchi was born in Takamachi, Japan in 1924, a city famous for the kimono industry. It was only natural for him to study textile engineering as he was expected to assume responsibility of the family kimono business. But in 1942 Taguchis draft notice came and between 1942-1945 he served in the Astronomical Department of the Navigational Institute in the Imperial Japanese Navy. After 1945 he worked in the ministry of public Health and Welfare and in the Institute of statistical Mathematics (Ministry of Education). While here he met a prize winning Japanese statistician Prof. Matosaburo Masuyama, who at the time was regarded by many as the best statistician. Under his guidance, Taguchis learned much of the use of orthogonal arrays and experimental design techniques. He also contributed to many industrial experiments that dealt with the production of penicillin, and the name Genichi Taguchi gained recognition. In 1950, he was hired by the Electrical Communication Laboratory (ECL). During this time, both ECL and Bell Laboratories were developing cross bar and telephone switching systems. Working on the project for ECL provided Taguchi with plenty of opportunities for experimentation and data analysis. Six years later, Taguchi and ECL had completed the systems project. Around the same time, Bell Labs completed its version. Nippon ATT awarded a contract to ECL, however, for its superior production. During this period, Taguchi also found time to write Experimental Design and Life Test Analysis and Design of Experiments for Engineers (the result of working in the industry for six years). In 1960, the latter book helped earn him the Deming Prize for his contributions to the field of quality engineering. This is one of Japans most prestigious awards. Two years and a doctorate in science later, Taguchi wrote a second edition of Design of Experiments that introduced industrial research on the signal-to-noise ratio. He left the employ of ECL, but maintained his relationship in a consulting capacity. After becoming part of the associate research staff of the Japanese Standards Association, Taguchi founded the Quality Research Group. Since 1963, the group has met once a month to discuss industry applications. In 1962 Kyushu University awarded Taguchi with his PHD. When Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan invited him to teach in 1965, Taguchi said yesand stayed there for 17 years. Prior to Taguchis arrival, the University had no engineering department. Thanks in part to Taguchi, it now does. Dr. Taguchi developed the concept of the Quality Loss Factor in the early 1970s; he also published the third (current) edition of Design of Experiments By the early 80s, Taguchi was making a name for himself in the United States. Ford Motor Co. had been introduced to Taguchis methods via a Ford supplier. Ford was quite interested and Taguchi was invited to provide seminars for Ford executives in 1982. By 1983 he was executive director of the Ford Supplier Institute, Inc. (which would eventually change its name to the American Supplier Institute). Taguchi received two more awards in 1986. For his outstanding contributions to Japanese economics and industry, he received the Indigo Ribbon from the Emperor of Japan. This was followed by the International Technology Institutes Willard F. Rockwell Medal for combining engineering and statistical methods to achieve rapid improvements in cost and quality by optimising product design and manufacturing processes. ASQ is not the only quality organization to bestow honorary membership on Taguchi. In 1995, the Japanese Society of Quality Control honoured him with a like membership.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Gender differences in unionization rates in Canada Research Paper
Gender differences in unionization rates in Canada - Research Paper Example For this reason, there is a need to study the variations that exist in gender rates in unionization in order to understand the underlying causes of why people are joining or leaving unions. This paper looks into detail the variations that has existed in gender unionization rates in Canada and the reasons as to why there exists such variations. This is important as it will ensure that authorities can understand why people are not joining unions by having concrete facts and data at their disposal. The purpose of this study is to understand the gender variations that exists in unionization levels and why the variations exists. The study looks into data from the 1980’s to 2013 and examines the differences and the fluctuations that has existed in unionization rates and explains why there have been such variations. This research paper utilizes information from various governmental and nongovernmental organizations databases. It further looks into different journal articles and books in order to get information regarding unionization rates in Canada. In particular, this research paper utilizes information from Statistics in Canada in the interpretation of the graph. The information from the government databases and journal articles is reliable and consequently the information in this research paper can be described as factual and precise. From the year 1982 to the year 2013, the overall unionization rate in Canada has decreased. The unionization rate is often defined as the proportion of employees that are union members. The number has substantially declined over the years, in this research paper; the trends in unionization rates especially examined under gender will be studied. It is imperative to understand that the decline in unionization in Canada is not a recent phenomenon and in fact, the unionization rate fell through the years 1980’s to the year
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Focus Movie Summary Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Focus Summary - Movie Review Example The movie starts with Nicky Spurgeon acting as Will Smith going to a nightclub. Smith is seasonal con man. In the nightclub, Jess acting as Margot Robbie who is inexperienced grifter seduces Smith and pretended that her husband has caught them together. After the deception failed, Smith told them they should not lose focus when faced with compromising or unexpected situation. Jess found Smith in another nightclub and told her to be her mentor. Nicks took her to New Orleans and introduced her to his crew. Jess is trained and under goes a pick pocket test. In the training Nicky and Jess starts a romantic relationship. Nicky was told by his father that he should not start a romantic relationship in the line of duty but he could not resist Jess. In American Football Championship game, played in Miami, Jess together with Nicky coned Tse all his money by tricking him to take a wrong players number. They tricked Tse to take number 55 which was a number won by his crew member in the side of Chicago. Latter, Jess was given her share by Nicky and sent away. Jess was left heartbroken at that time (Movieclips Trailer, 2015). Nicky went to work with a motor car company and helped the owner to win car race championship. In the competition, Nicky meets Jess again and they started moving out together. Nicky gave out the component for competition to McEwen at a price of 3 million Euros and sold it to other team. As Nicky was in hotel waiting for Jess, he received message information him to leave because he was exposed.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Recovering from global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Recovering from global warming - Essay Example This has caused the problem of global warming that has become an issue of major concern internationally. The consequences of global warming have adversely affected human life. It has caused immense changes in rainfall and temperature resulting in more water and food stress. The ice sheets of West Antarctic as well as Greenland have melted permanently. Oceans have become acidified and the global temperature circulation has been affected. Desertification is extending to regions that were previously habitable (Robertson 2006 pp.112-117). Pollution is a very serious problem for the environment, but there are many green and healthy ways to reduce CO2 emissions and create a more sustainable world to live in. Trees play a significant role in reducing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while they use it in photosynthesis (carbon sequestration). In the process of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is absorbed by the leaves from the atmosphere and converted in to molecules of carbon which combine with water to produce energy for growth. Oxygen molecules are released in to the environment. This continuous process is significant in ensuring that the free carbon dioxide released in to the atmosphere through anthropogenic processes does not have adverse impacts on the Ozone layer. It is one of the simplest methods of reducing the carbon dioxide in the environment. Research indicates that the tons of carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources amount to more than 6 billion per year. It has also been established that the current tree biomass is capable of absorbing more than 30 percent of this carbon dioxide (Josphat 2003 pp. 46-51). Earthworks, (1990) established that â€Å"A single tree can clear ou t green house gases produced by a car over a distance of 11,000 kilometers in one year†. This is an indication of how planting more trees can be beneficial in reducing
Monday, October 28, 2019
Bus 557 Assignment Essay Example for Free
Bus 557 Assignment Essay Ethics behavioral aspect of accounting is a special area of accounting that is developed to address such aspect of human information processing behavior, judgment quality, accounting problems created by users and providers of accounting information as well as their decision making skills. Secondly, paper will describe the organization, the accounting ethical breach and the impact to the organization related to ethical breach. Thirdly, this paper will determine how the organizational ethical issue was detected and how management failed to create an ethical environment. In some cases, some company pledged its own stock to ensure that partnerships would be able to borrow money. And when Enron stock started plummeting, the whole thing fell apart. Fourthly, this paper will analyze the accounts impacted and or accounting guidelines violated and the resulting impact to the business operation. They operated as the masterminds behind the system to defraud investors. The banks, by offering fake, illegal and not approved by regulators deals, played a significant role in helping Enron falsify company financial statements and mislead investors. Finally, the paper will discuss as a CFO which measures could have been taken to prevent this ethical breach and how each measure should be implemented in the future. First of all, there should be analysis of culture within the organization including norms of behavior, standards of conduct, values, perspective of attitudes, perceptions, there seems to be pressure to commit misconduct, communications, risks and vulnerabilities Review of Accounting Ethics Page 3 Given the corporate ethical breaches in recent times, assess whether or not you believe that the current business and regulatory environment is more conducive to ethical behavior. Provide support for your answer. Ethics behavioral aspect of accounting is a special area of accounting that is developed to address such aspect of human information processing behavior, judgment quality, accounting problems created by users and providers of accounting information as well as their decision making skills (Ponema, 2009). Existing businesses and regulatory environment is more conductive behavior because some companies and managers feel as though they can get away with it. The unpredictable increase and collapse of the Enron Company set off a long-burning fire under the American social conscience. From every crevasse and corner, voices rose demanding increased accountability, demanding tighter regulation, and demanding that the unethical be brought to justice. Clearly, in such estimation, those at fault should have been punished business. Many transformations in the business environment have taken place, including immoral conducts and the tendency for corruption. Unethical accounting behavior is also included as a consequence. (Sims, 1992). So the government has been forced to increase regulations and inspect actions taken in business, most especially after the Enron, Tyco, WorldCom and other unethical accounting scandals. As a result of the mentioned scandals, the government then passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 providing regulatory requirements for better precision in business action, accountability and assurance of ethical accounting behavior by publicly held companies and accounting firms. According to White (2000), the total number of boards of directors who set ethical codes of conduct within organizations has increased from 41 percent in 1991 to 78 percent. Review of Accounting Ethics Page 4 According to the Wall Street Journal about 79 percent of youth in the United States do not believe in the presence of moral principles in business. There should be a business foundation, especially in accounting which should provide society with adequate information about companies and industry. Accounting is more and more involved in consulting, so it requires high ethical standards to built trust between clients and companies (White, 2000). Even if society does not believe in the honesty in any business, I think that ethics and ethical behavior are very high priorities for companies today and this is proofed by the increasing number of companies currently applying ethical codes of conducts. Codes of ethics are arrangements that are frequently used as a force to promote ethical behavior. There are many ways that a business could operate ethically. They can impose legal actions and fines. This could then remove destruction to any firm’s reputation, and protect and / or increase the capital of any shareholder. Paying special attention to Shareholder value, cost control, creating a competitive advantage and avoiding internal corruption would also be a help. A firm’s unethical behavior could also contribute to the organization’s productivity level being lower over time. Because of all these aspects I believe that the current business and regulatory environment is more conducive to ethical behavior. Based on your research, describe the organization, the accounting ethical breach and the impact to the organization related to ethical breach. Enron Corp. was an energy company born from a mildly innovative 1985 deal that combined two boring businesses: an Omaha-based natural-gas-pipeline company named InterNorth and a similar Texas company called Houston Natural Gas. Instead of just delivering gas to customers at a modest profit, Enron decided to use newly deregulated pipelines to match other buyers and Review of Accounting Ethics Page 5 sellers in the energy industry. Enron became a gas trader, which would be much more exciting than just building pipes and transporting gas. Moreover, Enron was managing its own employee pension funds. This should not happen because it allowed the company to use these funds for the advantage of the company only, without taking care of their employees. Besides, Enron should have a code of ethics that prohibits managers and executives from being involved in another business entity that does business with their own company. Usually, codes of ethics are voluntary, but the board of directors should set them up as the important restriction of company. According to the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2002), legal and regulatory structures would trigger Enron’s bankruptcy. Initially, Arthur Andersen LLP would provide consulting and the audited reporting services noting the financial results of their consulting activities. This occurred because it was allowed by current law and regulations imposed by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). I see this as fault of within the legal structure and an evident conflict of interest. Additionally, another conflict of interest occurred in Enron by hiring and paying its own auditors. It is understandable that the auditors did not issue an adverse report on the company that was paying them. The conclusion coming from this situation is that private companies should not be allowed to pay for their own auditors.. Moreover, Enron would also expand into other business areas, including water, fiber optics, newsprint, and telecommunications (Halbert T Ingulli, E. (2009). Legal structure permits managers to enter these arrangements, which constitute a conflict of interest. The managers and executives should take care of the best interest of the company and its shareholders because the law leaves them with freedom, to choose what it is the best interest of the company. There are no doubts that Enron’s officers did not act within the scope of their Review of Accounting Ethics Page 6 authorities. A few days before the outstanding loss of Enron was made public, workers who audited the company books for Arthur Andersen had been given an extraordinary directive to damage all audit material, except for the most basic work papers. Even if, there are no rules for how long company should keep its documents, it was illegal. (Halbert T. Ingulli, E. (2009). Determine how the organizational ethical issue was detected and how management failed to create an ethical environment. Enron Corporation is a classic example of organizational-level corruption. Halbert T Ingulli E. (2009). Enron debacle is not just the story of a company that failed; it is the story of a system that failed. And the system didnt fail through carelessness or laziness; it was corrupted. â€Å" According to Report of Investigation by the Special Investigative Committee of the Board of Directors of Enron Corp (2002), Enron employees involved in the partnerships were enriched, in the aggregate, by tens of millions of dollars they should never have receivedFarrow by at least $30 million, Hooper by at least $10 million, two others by $1 million each. Any of these employees, except Farrow, did not obtain the permission required by Enrons Code of Conduct of Business Affairs to own interest in the partnerships. Moreover, many Enron transactions were designed to accomplish favorable financial statement results. These examples show that Enron’s officers put their own interest ahead of their obligations to Enron. The company allowed chief financial officer Farrow to set up partnerships that enabled Enron to report pretty much whatever numbers it needed to keep Wall Street happy. In some cases, the company pledged its own stock to ensure that partnerships would be able to borrow money. And when Enron stock started plummeting, the whole thing fell apart. (Farrow made off with millions of dollars for himself, but his depredations played no significant role in Enrons fall. ) . When Review of Accounting Ethics Page 7 forensic accountants finally got a look at Enrons books in late 2001, they discovered that the company had been reporting incorrect numbers for at least five years. Analyze the accounts impacted and / or accounting guidelines violated and the resulting impact to the business operation. Perhaps Enron could have been somewhat successful by branching out into the commodities business creating an international, privatized water market. Enron’s leaders in 1998 set up a subsidiary called Azurix with a major water concession in England, but British regulators cut the firms rates-and Enrons style was significantly cramped. Azurixs expansion into Brazil also worked out badly due to local politics. Enron hid the mounting debts in an off-the-balance-sheet partnership. This became a common Enron technique and led to the kind of debt load that became unsustainable when investors lost confidence in Enrons numbers (Snider, 2006), according to Snider (2006), Farrow, the former Enron chief financial officer, said that Enron’s banks played important role in the corporation fraud. They operated as the masterminds behind the system to defraud investors. The banks, by offering fake, illegal and not approved by regulators deals, played a significant role in helping Enron falsify company financial statements and mislead investors. It was the banks that instructed Enron how to deal with the company’s significant financial challenges. If stated, dividend targets could not be met by Enron, and the company would have had to generate more cash flow to maintain its credit ratings. The banks assisted to design the fake and deceptive deals. The banks helped Enron to hide the debt which was not showing up on the books by replacing bad assets through creation shell companies. These shell companies, run by Enron executives who profited richly from them, allowed Enron to keep hundreds of millions of dollars in debt off its books. Also, loan transactions were reported as cash flow instead of debt. These finances were not shown in the financial statements. Review of Accounting Ethics Page 8 This action would lead the company’s stock and hurt most of investors across the country (Halbert T. Ingulli, E. (2009). As a CFO, recommend which measures could have been taken to prevent this ethical breach and how each measure should be implemented in the future. Enron was liable for the action of its agents and employees, because most taken actions, which lead Enron into bankruptcy, were taken inside the corporation. Enron officers and managers repaid the banks by access to special deals; premium payments and insider access to future beneficial transactions (Maximizing Business Performance, 2007). In order to avoid situation that took place in Enron Corp. there are some actions that should be taken within an organization. First of all, there should be analysis of culture within the organization including norms of behavior, standards of conduct, values, perspective of attitudes, perceptions, pressures to commit misconduct, communications, risks and vulnerabilities. The Code of Ethics should be complied by Board Members and Senior Executives as well as by all employees. Measures they recommend should include staff training, evaluations of compliance systems, appropriate funding and staffing of the corporate ethics office. An organization has to make sure that consulting and auditing are separated while financing auditing has its independence with integrity. Moreover, managing proper communication regarding expectations, requirements, goals and roles at all levels is significant to constitute ethical behavior within an organization. Establishing an Ethics Committee helps to focus on ethical conduct and empower employees to make decisions according to organization’s values. Enron and other corporations need better financial disclosure mechanisms. The Financial Accounting Standards Board, responsible for rule making in the area, has to create regulations and standards that are more Review of Accounting Ethics Page 9 forth right and understandable to ordinary people. In addition, corporations need more responsible public servants, instead of creating more laws. We need to teach people to be responsible for what they have done, just as we have held the business people to accountability. Conclusion Since the objective of accounting is to provide relevant, timely information for user decision making, therefore, Accountants must behave in an ethical manner so that the information they provide will be trustworthy and, thus, useful for decision making. The purpose of ethics in accounting is to direct accountants to abide by the code of conduct that facilitates and encourage public confidence in their services. Ethics are moral principles that guide the conduct of individuals but unfortunately, some accountants sometimes behave in an unethical manner. These ethical violations led to fines, firings, and lawsuits. In some cases, accountants were criminally prosecuted, convicted, and sent to prison. References Snider, D. (2006, September 26). University of California, San Francisco. UC Says Farrow Implicated Banks in Enron Fraud. Retrieved April 27, 2013 from http://ucsf. edu/ stories/uc-says-farrow-implicated-banks-in-enron-fraud Halbert T Ingulli, E. (2009). Law Ethics in the Business Environment: 2010 custom edition (6th ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning White J. (2000). Ethics in Business. Retrieved April 27, 2013, from http://www. pro2net. com Sims, R. R. (1992). Journal of Business Ethics, 11: 651–662. Committee of the Board of Directors of Enron Corp. Retrieved April 27, 2013, from http://fl1. findlaw. com/news. findlaw. com/wp/docs/enron/specinv020102rpt1. pdf
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