Monday, December 30, 2019
Team Diversity Paper - 1093 Words
Introduction People and their differences compose the basis of an organization s aptitude to develop broad viewpoints and to approach business tribulations in new and innovative ways. Each team member will bring to the project a unique set of skills and expertise. The dynamics and effectiveness of the team will be impacted by various factors. Some of these factors are but are not limited to, value and attitude differences, occupation, demographics, and differences in skills and abilities. Understanding the qualitative nature of a team’s response to these factors, will shed some light on how complex teams operating in a complex business environment actually function, and can lead to the outright success or failure of a team’s effort.†¦show more content†¦It will allow us to pull on each other’s experience in areas where we may not have any knowledge. Although management styles differ from job to job and person to person, the management experience on this team is capable of handling any task set before it. Demographics The demographics for our team will enhance and create some problems with the effectiveness of our team. On a positive note, everyone in the team is in the same time zone, which will make deadlines and communications occur without complications due to different time zones. Although Rob and Fabian are geographically separate from Mark and James, this difference will not make a large impact on the groups’ performance in an online environment. We also have similar occupations, with enough differences and experience levels to gain different perspectives and ideas. In general, we all have a similar educational background with everyone having a high school degree, and each of us pursuing a degree in business management at the University of Phoenix Online Business Management Program. Some demographic factors that may become obstacles to the teams’ effectiveness are age differences, marital status, and children. Our ages range from 25 to 43, which can negatively affect our effectiveness due to varying experience level, outlook on life, and the goals for obtaining a college degree. Although it can also be a positive contribution, since itShow MoreRelatedHigh Performance Team Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesIn this paper I will discuss how a team/group can become a high-performance team/group, examine the demographic characteristics and culture diversity and the impact on the team/group behavior. I will also describe how demographic characteristics and cultural diversity contribute to or detract from high-performance groups or teams. What is a team/group? 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Effect Of Education On Education - 798 Words
Introduction There are so many headlines that cover the impact of our economy through education. It appears as if education will pay for itself and boost our overall economy in the process. The education system has been broken for decades and although technology is on the rise, which means some of our population is still achieving at a high academic rate. Many would say that we are failing our children from lack of parental involvement in schools. There are arguments stating that these schools are too dangerous for anybody in the right mind to volunteer inside, and we are losing business, teachers, social clubs and everything else that benefitted those that came before us. If these articles are correct, there is a correlation between schools, local businesses, and construction. Basic in a nutshell, we must educate our youth and offer them ways to attend higher education even beyond high school. In the paper I will discuss the affect economy has on education, the key to building a strong economy, and why it’s not just a matter of money. â€Å"The affect economy has on education†(Alleyne, 2015) A sluggish economy has a domino effect followed by ripples, which extends to every aspect of American life to include secondary and higher education. When states lose income, they make cuts to government spending and programs. Often the first cuts are in education. Which results in lower teacher salaries and reduced hiring and retention. A loss of funding for various educational programsShow MoreRelatedEducation And Its Effect On Education Essay1586 Words  | 7 PagesEducation has lasted throughout numerous situations and periods of time. It has undergone times of prejudice and racism, where only certain people had access to education. It has survived in times of neglect, when governmental budgets seemed to delegate money everywhere else but education. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Romanticism Report Free Essays
The definition of romanticism is noted as a romantic spirit, outlook, tendency, etc. or the spirit, styles, and attitudes of, or adherence to the Romantic Movement or a similar movement contrasted with classicism and realism. Now, to complete this definition we must define the Romantic Movement. We will write a custom essay sample on Romanticism Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Romantic Movement was the revolt in the late eighteenth to early nineteenth centuries against the artistic, political, and philosophical principles that had become associated with neoclassicism: characterized in literature, music, paintings, etc. freedom of form, emphasis on feeling, originality, and creative imagination. Also on the artists own personality and sympathetic interests in nature, medevilism, the common man and so forth. This basically explains the content of this essay. The essay will be a deeper explanation of these things related to four of the main themes in romanticism. Specific examples of revolution, individuality, nature, and love will be included. The leading item in romanticism was passion. Almost everything, whether it be art, music, or literature, was shown with extreme passion. This could very well be the reason for calling it the Romantic Period. Love has a somewhat difficult definition, due to the fact that it is a feeling. Love had an immense role in romanticism. Love in art was mainly shown in ballet. It gave great importance to women not only as artists but mythical figures as well. The ballet showed men and women in an equality of roles, but also gave men a chance to show that they too could accomplish extravagant dance steps. Ballet also stressed exoticism, fantasy, nature and most importantly love. An example of common love theme in ballet would be the unrealizable love for an fleeting lady or fatal love for a temptress. Paris was the center of romantic ballet. A poet by the name of Theophile Gautier wrote the story for twhat is considered the greatest ballet of all time called â€Å"Giselle†. This ballet is still popular with modern audiences. This particular ballet was based upon a German legend of a girl who loves to dance and falls in love with a shepherd boy. Her mother warns her of her fate by saying â€Å"Unhappy child! You will dance forever, you will kill yourself, and when you are dead, you will become a Wili (dancing spirit). Her prophecy eventually becomes truth when Giselle kills herself after finding that her beloved is a duke in disguise and is already engaged to a noble lady. The woman who danced the lead (Carlotta Grisi), as told by Gautier himself, danced the role â€Å"With perfection, lightness, boldness, and a chaste refinement and refined seductiveness, which placed her in first rank.. .she was nature and artlessness personified. †In literature Madame de Stael’s novel â€Å"Corinne†is about a poetic genius who suffers and eventually dies of unrequited love, a very passionate and common theme in the Romantic Era. Madame de Stael’s statement on poetic inspiration is chiefly known for its portrayal of women and for its romantic glorification of inspired genius. Here is a portion of that statement: â€Å"Sometimes my impassioned excitement carries me beyond myself; teaches me to find in nature and in my own heart such daring truths and forcible expressions as solitary mediation could never have engendered. †This is a excellent example of so many of the themes in romanticism. It tells of passion, nature, love, and also individualism. These are all necessary components of romanticism. The roles of women in the Romantic Period were quite contradictory. They were liberated and independent, predatory and dangerous, domestic and subservient, and even ethereal and mystical. These are all ways that women were portrayed at this time, mostly the oppinions of men. Women, as writers, often went under male pen names due to the controversy of women writing. Some archetypes of women writers in romanticism were: Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelly (the woman who married the poet Shelly and wrote the story of â€Å"Frankenstien†). There were the Bronte sisters and Mary Ann Evans (under the name George Elliot) in England, Germaine Necker (Madame de Stael)and Aurore Dupin (George Sand) in France, and in the United States the extraordinary writers Margaret Fuller and Emily Dickenson. These are only a few of the many female writers in romanticism. These women were courageous and as passionate, if not more so than men, in their writing. They faced restrictions and struggled to be recognized as respectable writers in their time, they eventually did, but did not live to see this happen. The revolutions of both Europe and the United States greatly impacted romanticism. Romanticism is occasionally known as a revolutionary movement due to the extreme changes in politics, taste, feeling, behavior, thought and social and domestic relations. There are many examples of revolutionary and romantic ideas mixed. In Spaniard Francisco de Goya’s painting â€Å"The Third of May†(1808) there are obvious romantic qualities. The eloquent way that the figures are posed in motion and with the intensely contrasting and dramatic colors. All of these elements were typical in romanticism. This painting was also a political statement of the injustices and the slaughter of innocent citizens after an uprising against a French invasion. This painting was painted in 1814 after king Ferdinand was restored to the Spanish throne. In literature Schiller’s famous poem â€Å"Ode to Joy†written on the eve of the French Revolution showed his firm beliefs in human rights to dignity and freedom plus his hopes for universal brotherhood. He is placed in the transition between the Enlightenment and The Romantic Era. His poem is eternally recognized and was the inspiration for Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony written almost thirty years later. This poem and the symphony have become one of the great statements of romanticism. As for politics and society, Jean Jacques Rousseau had a very considerable impact in this area at the time. He is the single most important figure for understanding the transition between the Enlightenment and romanticism. He was revered as a forefather of the revolution due to his analysis of social injustices and beliefs in human dignity and freedom. He raised individuality to a state of â€Å"prime importance†. His thoughts on individualism seem to be the philosophical foundation for the American republic (the largest territory having a government proclaiming people to be free and equal). During the Enlightenment, nature meant human nature, but in the Romantic Period nature meant unspoiled natural scenery such as forests, lakes, mountains, the ocean, etc. There came a desire for these objects in romanticism. Rousseau was yet again greatly influential. He questioned the value of civilized society. His followers believed that the natural and free life of the Natives in America were superior to that of the Europeans who settled in America. Another thought of his became a romantic view. It was that the black African was a noble and proud individual who had faced the tyranny and oppression of old Europe. In Rousseau’s â€Å"Reveries of the Solitary Walker†, he describes the beauty of the Swiss landscape and his feeling of communion with it. He relates his feelings of the joy of â€Å"pure sensation†, an abandonment of oneself. His notion of â€Å"the abandonment of thought and feeling oneself in unison with nature†shows a true romantic ideal. Romantic artists tended to depict nature as a reflection of sensations on their own souls. An example of romantic â€Å"natural†art would be John Constable’s â€Å"The White Horse†. This painting has great emphasis on nature, even in the title. It hows a small white horse and an enormous amount of scenery. The accent on the natural world is extraordinary. His style was the forerunner of the modern approach to painting. Another very naturalistic painting would be Francisco de Goya’s â€Å"The Dog†, which shows only a dog’s head and almost no definite scenery, but very natural colors and content. The body of the dog is hidden behind something that almost resembles sandstone. This painting is also quite modern, Goya was similarly on the brink of the Modern Era of art. In Literature Keats, Dickenson, and Wordsworth were all very naturalistic in their approaches to writing. In a poem named â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†, natural objects are used to express a feeling of loneliness. Here is an excerpt from that poem to help prove this point. â€Å"I wandered lonely as a cloud-That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; beside the lake, beneath the tree, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. †Simple, yet so lovely, a perfect example of how much nature was used in romantic literature. No matter if the writing was about life altering experiences or an ordinary day, many times the romantic poet expressed feelings through nature and with profound passion. The significance of individualism in the Romantic Era was astonishing. There are countless songs, poems, and paintings featuring this point in romanticism. Rousseau wrote, â€Å"If I am not better than other men, at least I am different! †. This is a terrific example of the individualistic thought at this time. The painting â€Å"The Dog†by Goya (used once before in this essay) is an almost disturbing example of individualism. The dog’s head is there all alone surrounded by an almost nothingness. The significance of the individual was ever present in art, but this painting shows almost a sadness about it, a sense of loneliness in its creativity. Literature was also full of individualistic thought. Walt Whitman’s â€Å"Song of Myself†shows this very boldly, the title alone gives that away. The way that he talks about the fashion in which his body naturally works made many people uncomfortable and shocked many as well. Whitman writes: â€Å"Divine am I inside and out, and I make holy Whatever I touch or am touched from The scent of these armpits aroma finer than prayer This head more than churches, bibles and all the Creeds. †This is obviously the extent of what people felt at this time, but this writing even shocks us today, probably because we have become more modest. In conclusion then, the Romantic Era was a period filled with love, passion revolution, individualism, nature, and many more themes like these. This period of time had spawned great literary works, paintings, plays, ballet, and much, much more. Passion and feeling are the most important elements in romanticism, practically everything was done passionately and with intense feeling, much like todays soap operas, which makes the Romantic Period one of the most impressive, most beautiful, and most extraordinary eras of all time. How to cite Romanticism Report, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Interpreting Value In The Customer Service -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Interpreting Value In The Customer Service? Answer: Introducation Customer service management refers to those strategies and practices which companies use for managing and analyzing their customer interaction. This management helps in maintaining healthy and efficient relations with the clients by resolving their issues and offering them what they want (Tynan, McKechnie Hartley, 2014). The present work is based on the given case scenario. It includes two features for management of real and useful help desk. Elaboration of two features in the good management of a help desk As per the given case scenario, the help desk section of WombatPhone which is a new mobile company is getting worse. Agents of the help desk are not offering effective and quality services to the customers. Due to this reason clients of the company are dissatisfied and finding an alternative. Concerning to this, efficiency improvements are required in help desk section for managing and maintaining good relations with the service users. The two factors which can work effectively for the management of help desk section of the company is as follows: Communication Plan: As the agents of the enterprise are not communicating well with the customers, they need to improve their communication and other related skills. Concerning this, WombatPhone has to develop effective communication plan which will include information regarding the importance of communication, ways to deal with clients, how to communicate properly, etc. Accounting to the Lam Mayer, (2014), Effective training and development sessions help in improving and enhancing communication and inter-personnel skills of the workers. With respect to this, the plan will also include training sessions which will make agents aware of the importance of polite conversation with the individuals along with good listening power in handling queries efficiently for offering best quality services to the customers (Importance Of Communication Skills for Students. 2012). This plan can also aware help desk staff about the skills and knowledge they lack and needs to develop. Information about the gesture and post ures to the employees while dealing with customers can lead to leaving an impressive mark on them. This feature can help in improving the present situation of the WombatPhones help desk Product Knowledge: Agents working at helpdesk section of the WombatPhone company needs to have appropriate and efficient knowledge with respect to the goods and services they are offering to the customers. As per the view of Zurich, (2017), Companies should conduct meetings, seminars or conferences for providing appropriate information regarding their new products or services to the employees offering customer services. In context to this, the staff of help desk will able to understand and resolve the queries of the customers by using appropriate product information. Proper and suitable solution to the problem can lead to increase the satisfaction level of the clients. In this feature of customer service management, employees need to take active participation in the meetings and conferences. Along with this, WombatPhone can also provide booklets, manual handbooks to the staff members for making them aware of the functionalities and operations of the mobile phones. This feature can help organization in offering high-quality services by handling the issue of providing misleading information to the customers which will lead to improving the dangerous condition of the help desk Conclusion The above study concluded that it is necessary for WombatPhone to offer high-quality services to the customers for maintaining relations with them and accomplishing objectives. Effective communication plan and product knowledge can help the company in handling its current help desk situation. References Lam, C. F., Mayer, D. M. (2014). When do employees speak up for their customers? A model of voice in a customer service context.Personnel Psychology,67(3), 637-666. Tynan, C., McKechnie, S., Hartley, S. (2014). Interpreting value in the customer service experience using customer-dominant logic.Journal of Marketing Management,30(9-10), 1058-1081. Zurich, L. B. (2017). Service Operations and Management. Importance Of Communication Skills for Students. 2012. [Online]. Available Through:[Accessed on 20th September 2017]
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